Elizabeth Bachinsky
Elizabeth Bachinsky’s first full-length collection of poems is Curio: Grotesques and Satires From The Electronic Age. Her poetry has appeared in Canadian literary magazines and anthologies including Matrix, The Malahat Review, Geist, Fine Form: The Book of Canadian Form Poetry (Polestar, 2005), Whitewall of Sound: Contemporary Canadian Concrete Poetry (housepress, 2003), and Pissing Ice: An Anthology of ‘New’ Canadian Poets (Bookthug, 2004). She lives in the suburbs of Vancouver where she is the writer in residence for the communities of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows BC, an apprentice bookmaker at Barbarian Press, and the poetry editor for Event magazine.
December 1–December 2, 2005
Thursday, December 1, 8pm
Jacob Gleeson (Vancouver)
Gareth Moore (Vancouver)
Matthew Stadler (Portland)
Friday December 2, 8pm
Elizabeth Bachinsky (Vancouver)
Diana George (Seattle)
Charles Mudede (Seattle)
Recently, west coast writers, artists and architects have been thinking about how basic notions of space could be redefined. In a 2002 Artspeak publication, Diana George and Charles Mudede approached serial space, an endless repetition of particular spaces that appear throughout our conventions of “urban” or “nature.” Serial space proposes a shift in the way we think about space, away from conventional dichotomies such as city/country, urban/suburban. How can notions of space be redefined along the lines of serialized space – endlessly repeating spaces – rather than by spatial dichotomies? How does space form critical discourse and what are the implications of those formations, if any? Artspeak’s Speakeasy series of talks and readings encourage writers and artists to continue this thinking.