

Kendra Coupland

Kendra Coupland (she/her) is a meditation teacher and multi-disciplinary artist of mixed Caribbean and Romani-Hungarian heritage. She has 14 years of experience as an award-winning photographer.  Her body of work seeks to explore what it means to be human and to love through intimate portraiture work, and the documentation of major life events such as births, gender transitions, weddings/commitment ceremonies, and end-of-life passages. In addition to her photography career Kendra is also an experienced mindfulness teacher and community organizer who works primarily with marginalized communities. As a survivor of childhood violence, Kendra brings a compassionate, trauma-informed, and intersectional framework to her practice. Her work strives to create safer spaces for people who experience marginalization to practice self-liberation, and she is whole-heartedly dedicated to building communities of loving kindness and collective care.