Welcome, Nya Lewis: Artspeak’s incoming Director/Curator!

The board and staff of Artspeak are excited to announce the appointment of Nya Lewis as the organization’s incoming Director/Curator. Nya will begin their tenure in early September.

Nya Lewis (MFA) is an independent curator whose hybrid practice is rooted in the culmination of centuries of resistance, love, questions, actions, and study concerning diasporic cultural production. Their work reflects the diversity of intersectional, inter-generational, global indigenous, Queer critical discourse and its many forms of expression. Across the disciplines of art-making, programming, research, curating, and writing, Nya’s work with Canadian institutions—including the Vancouver Queer Film Festival, Capture, Vancouver Public library, Centre for the Study of Black Canadian Diaspora, UBC Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver Art Gallery, grunt gallery, and Ref. (formerly Black Art Gastown), AfroQueer, Femme Art Review, Polygon, SFU Contemporary Art faculty, and UBC Equity and Inclusion—is driven by the possibilities of historical recovery, and the reimagining of community.

As we welcome Nya, the Board and staff of Artspeak would like to express appreciation for Artspeak’s outgoing Director/Curator, Bopha Chhay. Bopha has steered the organization since 2016; her generous leadership style has left its mark on the organization, in the opportunities she has provided artists to realize ambitious exhibition and publication projects, and in the mentorship and support she continues to afford to her colleagues.

Join us in celebrating our incoming and outgoing Director/Curators!

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